Wednesday 30 September 2009

Program Manager, Hardware and Software Engineer

A Program Manager, a Hardware Engineer and a Software Engineer were in a car heading down a hill when the brakes failed. The driver managed to get it stopped by using the gears and a convenient dirt track.

All three jumped out and after peering under the car the Hardware Engineer said, "I see what the problem is and technically with this handy roll of duct tape I think I can fix it good enough to get us to the next town".

The Program Manager quickly interrupted, "No, no, no. Before we do anything we need to decide on a Gantt Chart, vision for our future, figure out a plan and assign individual deliverables".

At which point the Software Engineer said, "You know what, I think we should re-boot by pushing the car back up to the top of the hill and see if it happens again".

KACAK5 Management

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