Wednesday, 2 September 2009

15 Amazing Ways to Supercharge Your Business Success!

Program Management words of wisdom:

* Entrepreneurial leaders do not have a mindset that adapts to failure.
* Realize that you will make mistakes, so make them as quickly as you can in order to learn from them.
* As a leader, you have to set standards and higher standards for your own behavior.

The following are the "15 Best" ideas for super charging your business, no matter what kind of business you are in.

1. "Same-Old" is out -- Getting attention with something new is in. To get new business, you must strive to be innovative and dramatic.
For example,
an insurance agency, offered "the biggest steak dinner in town" if it couldn't save any person money on their car insurance. This challenge was enough to make the telephone start ringing off the hook for days at a time. The customer flow was "absolutely crazy" for days. The bottom line: dozens of new insurance buyers and tons of new cash flow -- and all they had to do was fork out the cost for a half dozen steak dinners!

2. Tight target marketing. The big job in marketing and sales is getting to the right people inside another company. Addressing mail to "Facilities Manager" or printing a "routing slip" on the outside of the envelope is ineffective. Hitting the target is the challenge. Scoring a bull's eye means making contact with the right individuals and is the only way to make the sale. Taking time to be highly targeted in business communication is essential.

3. Be more creative. Pushing direct-mail pieces out the door or sending the newsletter to the mail room isn't doing the job. Ask yourself: "Will anyone be intrigued enough to read the mailer--before tossing it in the wastebasket?"
Ask the same question about the company newsletter. A highly creative approach is necessary to be different and
distinctive. Creativity costs money. But, if more people read the ad, take time with the newsletter or decide that
the offer in a mailer makes sense, you have accomplished the goal.

4. Focus on what customers care about. After listening to the admissions director talk about what should be shown in the school's new recruiting video, the marketing consultant asked, "Is this what parents and prospective students are interested in knowing?" Suddenly, everyone became less confident. Someone suggested asking the student tour guides what questions the visiting parents and kids asked? Whether creating an ad, a brochure, or a sales presentation, knowing what the customer wants, needs and expects is what works.

5. Tell customers how to think about your company. We come to conclusions by making comparisons. If you don't let customers and prospects know why it is in their best interests to do business with you or buy your product, they won't. The rating of life insurance companies makes an impact on customers. The J.D. Powers' customer-satisfaction survey on cars and personal computer manufacturers influences buying behavior. Wise companies spend time and effort consciously influencing the way they are perceived by customers, prospects, bankers and stockholders.

6. Make your offers outstanding. Customers are cautious. They don't like being put on the spot; they don't want to make a mistake. This is why offers are essential. "Try it for 30" "We won't deposit your credit card slip for a month." "Your satisfaction is guaranteed." "Take the car for the weekend and drive it all you want." The goal is to overcome the customer's reluctance.

7. Be in the right place at the right time. "Why didn't I think of you last week when we bought the new..." Some salespeople simply shrug off such comments. Oh, well. I can't be in the right place every time." Wrong. Being in front of the customer is today's assignment. Developing a consistent program for staying in front of customers regularly is the challenge. A mix of seminars, newsletters, bulletins, fact sheets, special events and informative articles will keep you in the customers' minds.

Ponder these tips for a week, and next week I'll give you the remaining 8. Your business should shine after that!

KACAK5 Management

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