Wednesday 14 October 2009

Business Proposal Ideas

Program words of wisdom:-
Planning is an unnatural process, doing something is much more fun. People make Gantt Chart works, Gantt Chart alone seldom makes people work.

Begin writing your business proposal with a brief summary that outline & identify who will be performing the day-to-day duties; identify the manager of the business venture and his or her responsibilities.

In the body of the business proposal, identify where the work will be performed, the cost, anticipated income and the methods of controlling quality. Submit a Gantt Chart schedule with milestones that states the length of time it will take to complete the propose business deal.

The Outline
Using an outline to generate a brief summary should begin with a list of the objectives or expectations, manpower, equipment and materials needed. Document the cost to start-up and operate on a monthly and annual basis because monthly expenses and income will fluctuate. If the business proposal is for a one-time only business deal include the investment required and the anticipated income.

An example of an objective or expectation would be "we expect to be able to sell US$10Million PCBA EMS business by soliciting target of 15 tier 2 customers.

Labor, Equipment and Materials Needed
Identifying the equipment or materials needed in your business proposal may read "our plan is to secure the services of a freelance EMS customer representatives."

Document the cost of the paper, and the fees to be paid to the EMS Customer Reps. Name the person who will manage the project and how long the project will take to complete.

Investment & Income
State the investment required implementing the project and the return on the investment in the body of the proposal. Include information that relates to your company and industry.

Document the facts used to determine the anticipated income, an example would be "we target the 1st US$1M sales income to be achieve by the 9th months."

Base completion dates and milestones on information from those who will be performing the work. It may take a Sales Manager/ EMS Reps 4 weeks to solicit targeted business,3 months of RFQ and price negotiation, 2 months of Pilot Run and evaluation before the Mass Production P/Os are issued.

Read proposals what have been successfully implemented. Use the business proposal models that are most like your business proposition.

Speak with all the major parties involved and make a list of the recommendations and implement the best options in your business proposal.

Kacak5 Management

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts. will return in the future

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