Wednesday 28 October 2009

Program Management Code Words

Program words of wisdom:-
Quantitative Program management is for predicting cost and schedule overruns well in advance.

Here are the codes!
What he tells you
What it actually means

Average blended, fully-loaded rate schedule
I don't have any idea what the average rate is, so I'm making up a number and declaring it to be correct. Since no one else has any idea either, it is unlikely that I'll get caught.

How much will the BOM cost?
I need a number that I can nail you with later when the Program fails due to cost over-run

How much will the Memory IC cost?
I need a good estimate ...and make it cheap.

The Program is green
The Program is red but we'll have that fixed in no time. Besides, if I report red that would make the VP look bad to start scolding me.

The Program is yellow
The Program is red and I can't hide it entirely, so I'll say yellow. If the real red status ever gets out it will cost me my job.

The Program is red
It's a good thing I have that job interview tomorrow.

Critical Path
Quickest route to the outhouse/ Toilet

See Critical Path

Kacak5 Management

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Money in the bank

Program words of wisdom:-
When we takes care of the company, the company will takes care of you....... provide you inform the CEO of all the good deeds and cost savings you did.

Dealing with past-due accounts is not everybody’s cup of tea, but it has an important role and significant impact on the financial state of the business.

Program Management undertakes the well being of the business. When the company’s Finance Department fails to get the payment, this affect cash flow, increase collection expenses and erode profit margins. We do know the ability to collect unpaid accounts deteriorates at an average of 10% each month, and after a year, the likelihood of collecting is just 25%.

Reduce accounts receivable cost

Interactive notification can reduce collection cost like stamps, paper and phone bills. Invoice and reminder letter can be delivered at a faster rate using voice, e-mail, fax and SMS.

Shorten the collection period

Start using payment due & late payment reminders and proactive approach improves early payment cycle. A company improves its average collection periods by contacting customers when the payment was almost due will dramatically increase their collection rates & capture payments before customers default.

Increase contact rates

Interactive notifications enables busy signals or answering machines, call backs to be processed automatically until the contact is reached

Enhance customer relationships

Automated calls are less intimidating than a phone call and more effective than direct mail. By contacting a customer is a non-threatening manner, awkward situation can be avoided and cordial customer relationship maintained,.

Private and consistent message

Improve the consistency of message to customers by scripting a pre-recorded message with the appropriate tone. Sending a well targeted message, whether it is a gentle reminder or formal request for payment, leaves a better image of the company.

With the right system in place, substantial improvements can be made to the business cash flow, resulting in increase profit margin and eventually money in the bank for the company.

Kacak5 Management

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Program Manager's perspective to Job Search Jargon

Program words of wisdom:-
"The same work under the same conditions will be estimated differently by ten different estimators or by one estimator at ten different times". Jargon will also be interpreted differently.

Being with a group to discuss about the Job market situation, we joking twisted the advertisement's jargon into a strange meaning. Whether you are a student looking for that first time or summer job or a long time veteran looking for a change of pace, this JOB SEARCH JARGON should help you get on your way...
You do need to ponder further on the messages.

We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors.

Work 55 hours; get paid for 37.5 hours. Executives have to be flexible on the hours and do not get overtime pays.

Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want you to do.

You whine, you're fired.

We expect that you will want to flip hamburgers until you are 70.

Management won't answer questions

Some time each night and some time each weekend

Anyone in the office can boss you around.

We have a lot of turnover.

We're not going to supply you with leads; there's no base salary; you'll wait 30 days for your first commission check.

We don't pay enough to expect that you'll dress up; well, a couple of the real daring guys wear earrings.

If we're in trouble, you'll go on TV and get us out of it.

You'll need it to replace three people who just left.

You're walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

These are a lot of jokes for today.

Kacak5 Management

Monday 19 October 2009

How do you define Professional and Personal ethics?

Program words of wisdom:-
"Program management is just common sense - the trouble is common sense isn't very common in many organisation".

I am still job hunting after being lay ed-off and had been applying jobs from many companies. One of the potential employer requires me to write a 700 words essay on "How do you define Professional and Personal ethics? ". Here is what I had submitted and I do pray some kind organisation will employ me.

PERSONAL ETHNICS, integrity and honesty will strongly influence a person's professional ethical conduct and are essential elements in a trusted leader.

Personal convictions to instinctively do what is right, defers individually on each of us to sense when we are off course and then initiate immediate correction. I am firmly convinced that integrity must be built from within.

My dad, a retired Army officer since 1983, had instilled a very strict upbringing on the family. Personal ethnics and convictions develop from family, community, education, religious/spiritual upbringing, and peer influence. The effect of is obvious as mention in the Bible: "Do not be deceived. Bad company corrupts good morals" (1 Cor. 15:33). We know drugs, fraud, lying and cheating result from the influence of peers.

We do understand that "honesty and integrity have been replaced in many business by a win-at-any-cost attitude that puts quality, expediency and personal gain above all else." This would not work for very long term business relationship to maintain.

Personal ethnics are the 'stuff' we absorb from our parents and immediate surroundings till adulthood of how we 'should' behave in any given situation and in the face of difficult situations.

Personal or Professional Ethnics decisions are as follows.
1. Justice versus mercy; that fairness, equity, and even-handed of the law often conflict with compassion, empathy, and love.
2. Short-term versus long-term: decisions when immediate needs or desires run counter to future goals or prospects.
3. Individual versus company; or as us versus them, self versus others,

PROFESSIONAL ETHNICS values that I would define as most important were responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty.

RESPONSIBILITY; to take ownership for the decisions we make, the corrective actions we take, and the consequences that result based on the best interests of the company.
We fulfill the commitments that we undertake (we do what we say we will do) that are consistent with the company’s capability, our background, experience, skills, and qualifications.
We protect confidential information and uphold the policies, regulations and laws that govern our work, and profession.
We have to report unethical or illegal conduct, example; theft, fraud or bribery to management and to those affected by the conduct when they are proven by facts.

RESPECT; showing a high regard for ourselves, others, and the resources entrusted to us which may include people, money, and reputation of others.
Respect engenders trust, confidence, and performance excellence by fostering mutual cooperation — an environment where diverse views are encouraged.
We listen to others’ points of view, seeking to understand them and approach directly those persons with whom we have a conflict to negotiate. This will avoid gossip and negative remarks to undermine another person’s reputation.
We should not abuse our position to influence the decisions or actions of others in order to benefit personally at their expense.

FAIRNESS; to act impartially and objectively, free from competing self interest, prejudice, and favoritism by demonstrating transparency in our decision-making process.
We award opportunities equally and equal access to information to those who are authorized to have that information.
We avoid conflict of interest by making full disclosure to the affected stakeholders and after obtaining the consent of the stakeholders to proceed.
Favoritism and Discrimination would be to hire or fire, reward or punish, or award or deny contracts based on personal considerations or discriminate against others based on gender, race, age, religion or disability.

HONESTY; to act in a truthful manner in our communications to provide accurate and reliable information in a timely manner.
The confidence to share truthful bad news even when it may be poorly received or negative outcome without burying information or shifting blame to others.
We avoid taking credit for the positive achievements of others. Professionals should create an environment in which others feel safe to tell the truth.
We do not engage in behavior that is designed to deceive others, making misleading or false statements, stating half-truths, providing information out of context or withholding information that would render our statements as misleading or incomplete with intention of personal gain or at the expense of another.
Professional develops credibility by providing complete and accurate information.

Kacak5 Management

Friday 16 October 2009

SnapIT Screen Capture

Program words of wisdom:-
A verbal contract isn't worth the evidence it's written on.
Bad news does not improve with age and should be acted upon immediately.

Capture anything you see on your PC screen!
Don't waste time cropping your captures. Take a "snapshot" of anything exactly what you need, with just a click.Easy to Learn, Easy to Use!

Using SnapIt Screen Capture Software takes just three simple steps:
1. Start the program (click on the program's icon). It appears minimized in a system tray:

2. Click PrtScr (Print Screen) button and select with mouse what you need to capture on the screen. After selecting the region it is automatically copied to the clipboard.

3. Save a snapshot from the clipboard with any way you like:

- Open Microsoft Word and create new document. Press Ctrl+v combination and paste image from the clipboard to the document. Technical Writers often use this approach to describe program interfaces.
- Open Photoshop. Create new image file or open existed image file. Simply paste captured image from the clipboard (press Ctrl+v combination). This approach is convenient for Graphic Designers in order to make collages.
- Right mouse click on the SnapIt icon in a system tray and you will see the menu bellow. Choose "Save As" and save captured image as bmp, png, gif, jpg, etc file.

4. Use the Properties menu to define the hot key you want to press to take your screenshots

The most powerful feature of SnapIt:
In menu Properties you may switch on "Auto save images" option. It means that every time you capture image on your PC screen you don't need to save it! It will be saved automatically in the selected folder with selected image type. It is a very convenient feature for web designers who surf the Internet for new graphic ideas and want to save them in their local collection with one click.

Top features:

Supports hotkeys, auto-saving, clipboard Automatically copies screenshots to the clipboard Saves files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF formats Irreplaceable tool for Designers, Office Workers, Business People, Analysts and more Perfect for Technical Writers who have to describe interfaces, menus, buttons, etc.

Try SnapIt for FREE!

Discover how easy it is to take a "snapshot" of anything exactly what you need on your PC screen!

Kacak5 Management

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Business Proposal Ideas

Program words of wisdom:-
Planning is an unnatural process, doing something is much more fun. People make Gantt Chart works, Gantt Chart alone seldom makes people work.

Begin writing your business proposal with a brief summary that outline & identify who will be performing the day-to-day duties; identify the manager of the business venture and his or her responsibilities.

In the body of the business proposal, identify where the work will be performed, the cost, anticipated income and the methods of controlling quality. Submit a Gantt Chart schedule with milestones that states the length of time it will take to complete the propose business deal.

The Outline
Using an outline to generate a brief summary should begin with a list of the objectives or expectations, manpower, equipment and materials needed. Document the cost to start-up and operate on a monthly and annual basis because monthly expenses and income will fluctuate. If the business proposal is for a one-time only business deal include the investment required and the anticipated income.

An example of an objective or expectation would be "we expect to be able to sell US$10Million PCBA EMS business by soliciting target of 15 tier 2 customers.

Labor, Equipment and Materials Needed
Identifying the equipment or materials needed in your business proposal may read "our plan is to secure the services of a freelance EMS customer representatives."

Document the cost of the paper, and the fees to be paid to the EMS Customer Reps. Name the person who will manage the project and how long the project will take to complete.

Investment & Income
State the investment required implementing the project and the return on the investment in the body of the proposal. Include information that relates to your company and industry.

Document the facts used to determine the anticipated income, an example would be "we target the 1st US$1M sales income to be achieve by the 9th months."

Base completion dates and milestones on information from those who will be performing the work. It may take a Sales Manager/ EMS Reps 4 weeks to solicit targeted business,3 months of RFQ and price negotiation, 2 months of Pilot Run and evaluation before the Mass Production P/Os are issued.

Read proposals what have been successfully implemented. Use the business proposal models that are most like your business proposition.

Speak with all the major parties involved and make a list of the recommendations and implement the best options in your business proposal.

Kacak5 Management

Monday 12 October 2009

How Does a Business Proposal Work?

Program words of wisdom:-
A Program is one small step for the Sales Vice President, one giant leap for the Program Manager. Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal.

Business Proposal
If you need to present a business solicitation for a product or manufacturing service to get customers, a business proposal is the best format to use. By laying out the who, what, when, where and whys of your company's information, any potential buyer will have all the information needed to make an informed decision.

A business proposal not only gives your prospect needed information, but you as well. Once completed the proposal can act as a guideline when it comes time to put your preposition into action.

The key points developed within a business proposal cover every aspect of your company in step-by-step detail. Areas to cover are

- Main goals of the business
The main goals of your business objectives will incorporate your company vision and the mission, or purpose, it serves.
- Products, and/or services offered
Provide a clear depiction of what you're offering and how it will benefit the customer
- Market analysis and marketing strategy
Break down who and where your target market is, along with their likes and dislikes, and how you plan to reach them
- Operational components of the business idea
List all aspects from start to finish of what is needed to put your idea into action. This includes buildings, production needs, marketing methods and inventory needs
- Financial plan
Based on listed operational needs, the financial plan forecasts how much money is needed, when it will be needed and how will repayment be made
Before starting a business proposal, two issues that you'll want to be clear on are the mission and vision for the business. Composing both a mission statement and a vision statement to start is a good way of focusing in on the strength of your business.

The vision statement will describe exactly what your idea will look like in 5, 10 and 20 years. It's an inspirational depiction of the business idea that should jump start your creativity and focus your plan. The mission statement is more so a statement of purpose explaining what needs your business idea will serve, who it will help and how.

If your prospect has made it this far through the proposal, there's a good chance she's interested in the idea. The products or services portion of your proposal can make or break the deal. Product features and customer benefits should be described in clear, concise words from the customers' point of view.

How your products/services will affect a particular target company is what the market analysis and marketing strategy portions of the proposal will cover. Presenting the likes and dislikes of a target company in relation to how your product/services will meet a need, lays out the business potential for your prospect. The marketing strategy will then map out a plan on how you will reach this target population.

The remainder of the proposal is the nuts and bolts portion of your proposition, (Project Management) listing in verbatim, every material and service that will be needed to get the business off the ground and the overall cost to accomplish it.

When done right, an effective business proposal engages the right prospect and leads him to a logical conclusion. Any questions, doubts or concerns the prospect may have are covered in a well crafted business proposal.

Kacak5 Management

Friday 9 October 2009

Basics of Program Management

Program words of wisdom:-
The most successful Program Managers have perfected the skill of being comfortable when being uncomfortable. All Program Managers face problems on Monday mornings - good Program Managers are working on next Monday's problems.

Usually a Program Manager has several Projects to manage. The management of a project is usually the difference between failure and success. A good program manager can inspire, motivate and push their co-workers to the limits of ability and creativity. Once you have a good project, you need good management. When Programs are planned and implemented well, the business has the potential of advancing. This can happen with the help of a Program manager.

Definition of a Project
A Project is a temporary undertaking in which the purpose is to reach a specific and unique result. Certain provisions are specified and must be followed. Because a Program is temporary, there are clear start and end dates.

Role of Program Manager
A Program Manager is assigned the task of planning the Program and ensuring the desired end results are achieved. The success of a Program is determined by whether or not the Program was completed on time and within budget, has been accepted by the customer and has not disturbed the organization's work flow.

Skills of a Program Manager
A Program manager must have skills in the areas of communication, decision-making, problem solving, leadership, stress management, conflict resolution, negotiation, integrity, team-building and resource allocation. She must also have general knowledge of business management technology.

Program Management and Innovation
Innovative ideas can stem from Program management. The Program team plans and implements many new ideas that help the business continuously grow and evolve. Resources are organized and used in a way that helps to achieve these innovative goals.

Wow Programs
Wow Programs are intense Programs that bring much more to the organization than ordinary Programs. Program managers can create Wow Programs by taking ordinary jobs that nobody wants to do and turning them into something miraculous.

Kacak5 Management

Wednesday 7 October 2009

How to Communicate Effectively as a Manager

Program words of wisdom:-
A great manager is being able to communicate effectively with your subordinates, superiors, and co-workers.

Mastering this art of communication can be difficult for new managers coming into a new role and having to learn how to deal with all the new personality types. Even experienced manager has to overcome this skill requirement. It can also be different for managers who have received a promotion and will now have to delegate to their peers. No matter what your situation and challenges, effective communication is necessary in order to succeed.
Here are a few tips on how to communicate effectively as a manager:

Step 1

Be a supervisor, not a friend.
It’s important to set the tone in the beginning, and let your subordinates know that you are first and foremost their boss, and then their friend. This can be extremely difficult if you were close before your promotion to manager and now you have to discipline them. True friends will understand not to overstep the boundaries and realize that you have a commitment to the company.

Step 2

Remember what it was like to be the subordinate.
Relate to your employees and although, at times, it’s necessary for you to be firm, try to be understanding. Do your best to solve problems that were issues when you were in that position. Accept feedback and praise suggestions.

Step 3

Lead by example.
If you are late to work everyday how do you expect your employees to show up on time? It’s important that you lead by example and show your employee’s what it’s like being a manager.

Step 4

Don’t only delegate—participate!
Employees will work harder for you if they see you work hard. If it takes longer to tell someone to do something for you than it takes for you to do it yourself, do it yourself! Asking your employee to pick something off the fax machine for you or send an email when you could have done it just as quickly and efficiently, it will make your employees resent you. Delegate respectfully and do not overuse your power.

Step 5
Reward good behavior.

If you have made budget this month, or if your employee has done an exceptional job, reward them! Gift certificates, holiday bonuses, lunch catered in, coffee and bagels are all nice gestures. Employees will be more excited to work hard and diligently if they know you really appreciate them. Show them you care.

Step 6
When giving constructive criticism to an employee, always mention the good.

Praise them for all the good stuff they have done and then let them down easy with the bad. Give them ample time to fix the problem, and discuss their goals and future expectations. Don’t let the problem get so bad that it cannot be solved.

Kacak5 Management

Monday 5 October 2009

Friday 2 October 2009

***hole Manager

Program words of wisdom:-
Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn’t have to do it.

The body parts argue over who should be in charge.
The brain says he should be in charge because he keeps everything running.
The blood says he should be in charge because he delivers oxygen to everything else.
The stomach says he should be in charge because he provides energy.

Suddenly, the rectum speaks up and says he should be in charge because he is in charge of getting rid of waste.

They all laugh at the rectum and call him names. Frustrated, the rectum shuts down and stops working. Soon the brain was hurting, the stomach was all bloated, and the blood was full of toxins. So, they gave in and let the rectum be in charge.

You do not always have to be smart to be in charge, just an ***hole.

Kacak5 Management

Thursday 1 October 2009

Boost your business with referrals

Business words of wisdom:-
"Program Management is in the business of building relationship bridges"- Albert Ho

Referrals are an extension of business networking. If your existing customers like your services and are totally satisfied, there is a good chance that they will recommend you to others. People will not necessarily sing praises unless you take various actions of getting referrals.

Ask people
Ask your existing customers if there is anyone they know who could use your service. If your contact window is leaving for a new job, ask to maintain contacts and the new employer could use the your contact window as referee name.

Offer Incentives
Offer a discount or a prize to your existing customer who refers you to a new customer. Or offer an "introduction fee" to anyone who refers a new business.

Have a referral form
You could also makes it official just to confirm an award to anyone who refers new business. The information received will be much accurate than verbal referrals.

Ask for letter of recommendation.
Ask existing customers for some letter or comments you could use for your sales promotion. A Plague or trophy that appreciates your services as evidence.

Listen for Potential referrals
Keep your eyes open for referrals. Sometime, you existing customer will says, "My friends is still suffering from the same problems in his business I used to have". This would be an opportunity your services could fix your customer's friend problem.

Thank people who help you
When new customer contact you, always ask how they heard about you. You should send a thank you note to that person. This encourage them to refer more people to you. Sometime, people are timid and does not want to claim credit, so we should make the first move to give thanks.

Refer business to them
Remember " I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" story? In the business world, we have to share business leads to survive. If my main commodity being the electronics products but my potential client is searching for metal parts fabricator (which we are not capable of doing), I should share this leads to the metal fabricator with the intention one day if he will do the same.

Kacak5 Management