Monday 16 November 2009

Project a confident image

Program words of wisdom:-
"Self confidence is the requisite to great undertakings."

We do know most of the works done by the Program Management team in the Electronics Manufacturing Services environment are to service the existing client. I do emphasise it further as to grow the business with positive referrals instead. We have to project a positive confident professional image regardless if there are some screw-up happening to indicate we are still in control of the storm.
Successful people are usually people with confident to spurs them on despite the obstacles before them. Here are the 5 tips

1. Be positive
Believe in your abilities and talent to do anything you want and engage in positive talk. Start with a positive attitude daily like assume . " today is going to be a great day for me. I am going to do my best."

2.Visualise success
Visualising the various successes you had achieved previously do motivate you to move on to the next level and gives the exhilaration victory. Just like a video game, even if you failed, the previous success factor will spurs you to find winning ways

3. Improve your image
The way you dress, posture, voice and body language speaks volumes.

Avoid vocalised pauses like "er", "um", "uh" or "well" , as these indicate you are not sure of the situation. Even qualifiers like, " maybe", " I can't". Avoid hidden nervous action like fiddling your pen or ring, arm crossing, and looking away from your client.
Dress appropriately adopting a relaxed posture & poise, walk tall, sit confidently do project you are in control. Eye contact do establishes confidence Sit in front or nearer to where the action is to participate by asking questions. When someone is speaking, lean forward, nod and smile indicating your interest and respect.

4. Prepare well for an event
When you are well prepare, you exude confidence with organised thoughts and could enthusiastically present clearly. Do your research ensuring your facts are right, rehearse the points and arguments using words and phrases familiar to you.

5. Leave your comfort zone
Offer your service to work on something new ensuring yourself, "I can succeed".

If you can have confidence in your self, you generate positive energy. great determination and drive within you helping you to face the challenges, overcome the odds, the hurdles, the hiccups and bumps. Your client will have great confidence knowing anything they provided is in proper control.

Kacak5 Management

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